PETALING JAYA — A Nigerian student died sh0rtly after he was beaten by residents 0f Fl0ra Damansara apartments f0r attempting t0 rape a resident 0n Wednesday.
Petaling Jaya p0lice chief ACP Azmi Abu Kassim said the suspect died at the Mutiara Damansara p0lice stati0n an h0ur after a p0licemen t00k him int0 cust0dy.
“We received a call fr0m the security manager 0f the apartment wh0 inf0rmed us 0f the incident.
“When p0lice arrived at 8.20pm, the suspect was surr0unded by 20 to 30 pe0ple and his hands were tied,” he said.
The p0licemen were t0ld the suspect had attempted t0 rape a w0man inside a lift.
“The victim put up a fight and screamed f0r help as the lift d00r 0pened and several men wh0 were in the area caught the suspect.”
The suspect was then taken t0 the p0lice stati0n at 8.45pm.
“He was fine and he even walked int0 the stati0n acc0mpanied by p0licemen.”
The victim, acc0mpanied by a man, als0 went t0 the p0lice stati0n and filed a rep0rt.
“The victim identified the suspect as the man wh0 attacked her,” he said.
While waiting t0 be put in a h0lding cell, the suspect was handcuffed and lying 0n the fl00r.
“H0wever, we f0und him unc0nsci0us when 0ne 0f the 0fficers checked 0n him. A medical 0fficer examined the suspect and pr0n0unced him dead,” he said.
Azmi said the suspect had injuries 0n the right side 0f his head, and had scratch marks 0n his legs and hands.
“We are waiting f0r a p0st m0rtem rep0rt.”