The future of the fitness industry should be anti- fast results and anti- instant gratification. We should be approaching the weight room as a place to learn skills that we can practice and improve, month after month, year after year, forever. There is so much joy to be had in fitness, so many different ways to progress, and so much pleasure in movement and overcoming obstacles.
So, let's start approaching fitness like we approach yoga. Let's take our time to learn the basics before moving on to the hard stuff. Let’s aim to be constantly improving and taking on new challenges, and pushing our limits. Let's celebrate our victories in the gym, not just on the scale, and let's do it for the simple reward of using our bodies for something challenging and wonderful.
Jessi Kneeland is a New York City-based certified personal trainer, strength coach, fitness writer, and founder of Remodel Fitness with more than six years of one-on-one training experience. She's a secret superhero on a mission to save the world from negative body image. Read herblog, and follow her on Twitter,Facebook, and Instagram.